In July of 2019, I embarked on a new adventure, opening my own business after having spent 12 years in the massage industry. I am passionate about both business and helping people, and I believed that starting my own business was the best way to share my message and knowledge with those who need it.

In 2019, before I opened AJM Fitness & Massage, I attended a chronic pain management conference that completely blew my mind. At the time, I was receiving treatment for injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident, so the information I received at the workshop was useful both as a practitioner and as a client. Since then, I have taken numerous courses on the subject and made it the focus of my practice.
It’s amazing how our bodies work, and the fact that we are born with everything we need to heal ourselves is nothing short of incredible. However, as we age and experience wear and tear, trauma, stress, injury, and illness, we often lose some of that natural ability to heal. Many people accept a life of pain and discomfort as they grow older, giving up the things they love and may lose their enjoyment of life as a result. But I believe that it’s never too late to improve your quality of life.
One of the most important things I’ve learned through my pain management courses is the importance of having meaningful experiences in one’s life. Finding joy and purpose is essential to improving one’s quality of life when dealing with chronic pain. So, my question to you is: What brings you joy? Is it gardening, spending time with family and friends, hiking, playing recreational sports, or something else entirely? Are you able to do those things and truly enjoy your life?
I am convinced that everyone can live the life they’ve always imagined, and I aim to help people achieve that through massage therapy, Reiki, fitness services, workshops and education. I believe that AJM Fitness and Massage can be an invaluable resource for anyone on their journey to a better life.